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DEBI NOVA '3:33'

El video musical ✨3:33✨ del director SEBAS COTO para la reconocida cantautora y multi-instrumentalista 🎙 DEBI NOVA✨ es una experiencia visual basada en el viaje a través de los recuerdos que nos llevan hacia nuestros seres queridos.

The music video ✨3:33✨ by director SEBAS COTO for renowned Costa Rican singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist

🎙 DEBI NOVA✨ is a visual experience

based on the journey through memories that lead us to our loved ones.

En el 2020 durante el pico de la pandemia, nuestro amigo Isaac Centeno nos contactó para explorar la posibilidad de trabajar un video para Debi Nova. En una reunión Debi nos compartió la historia de ella y su nana, la cual actualmente se encuentra con Alzheimer y de ahí a Sebas se le ocurrió la idea de que el video circulara en un espacio narrativo surreal en el que Debi hace un viaje dentro de sus recuerdos para poder recordar a esa persona que ama, bajo la premisa de que lo ultimo que se olvida es el amor.

In 2020 during the peak of the pandemic, our friend Isaac Centeno contacted us to explore the possibility of working on a video for Debi Nova. In a meeting Debi shared with us the story of her and her nana, who is currently suffering from Alzheimer's and from there Sebas came up with the idea that the video would circulate in a surreal narrative space in which Debi takes a journey into her memories in order to remember the person she loves, under the premise that the last thing to forget is love.

Directed and written by @sebas.coto
Label : @sonymusicca
Produced by @elestudiodenine
@evacanina : 1st AD
@david.wakiry : Executive Producer
@ebovel : 1st AP
@isaaccen : DOP
@alegoye : 1st AC
@luis_garro96 : Best Boy
@sr.pam_ : Gaffer

@alegoye : Steadycam
@wagortega : Photography
@printzboard : 2nd Unit Director
@collierlandry : 2nd Unit DOP
@gasmoneypictures @ 2526 N Ontario, Burbank, CA
@camoumila : Production Designer
@carolinacarolinam : Assistant Art Directors
@angelesspereira : MUA
@jazonfalls (@soft_clothing) : Clothing
@cfallas21 : Runner
@lecram_ : Postproduction Supervisor
@sebas.coto : Editing
@elestudiodenine : Post Production
@scastrosaenz : Graphic Design
@soquete : Title Sequence
@leofallaspost : Colorist
@elestudiodenine : VFX
@nachocoto : SFX
@carambarental : Rental
@lightprojectfilmss.a : Light Equipment
@nanchosburgers : Catering
BTS: @cfallas21
Starring: @debinova

Thanks to: @pedritoalegria , jeannette garden, martha quesada, erick garro, mónica cascante, jesús conejo, @langfede y @willysluna

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